Contribute documentation ======================== .. _general development procedure: General development procedure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're a more experienced with the ``abess`` and are looking forward to improve your open source development skills, the next step up is to contribute a pull request to a ``abess`` documentation. In most of case, the workflow is given below. But if you are not familar with git and github, we suggest you install the `github desktop `__ that provide a user-friendly interaction interface for simplifying documentation contribution. You can fetch the documentation about Git `here `__. 1. Fork the `master repository `__ by clicking on the “Fork” button on the top right of the page, which would create a copy to your own GitHub account; 2. Clone your fork of abess to the local by `Git `__; .. code:: bash $ git clone $ cd abess 3. Create a new branch, e.g. named ``docsdev``, to hold your development changes: .. code:: bash $ git branch docsdev $ git checkout docsdev Work on the ``docsdev`` branch for documentation development. 4. Commit your improvements and contribution to documentation (forming an ideally legible commit history): .. code:: bash $ git add changed_files $ git commit -m "some commits" $ git push 5. Merge your branch with the master branch that have the up-to-date codes in `abess `__; 6. Submit a pull request explaining your contribution for documentation. The `online documentation `__ for our project are generated by generation by `Sphinx `__ and `sphinix-gallery `__ for python and `pkgdown `__ for R. Our website is published via `readthedocs `__. Python document ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Python document includes two parts. The first part depicts the APIs in ``abess``, and the second part aims to show simple use-cases and on-board new users. After describing the two parts, we detailly explain the procedure for `python document development`_, which unfolds the Step 4 in `general development procedure`_. Python API ^^^^^^^^^^ For the development of Python documentation, there is a little difference between a new method and a new function. A new method need a brief introduction and some examples, such as `[link] `__; and a new function under should at least contain an introduction and the parameters it requires, such as `[link] `__. Also note that the style of Python document is similar to `numpydoc `__. The development of Python API's documentation mainly relies on `Sphinx `__, `sphinx-gallery `__ (support markdown for Sphinx), `sphinx-rtd-theme `__ (support “Read the Docs” theme for Sphinx) and so on. Please make sure all packages in :code:`docs/requirements.txt` have been installed. Tutorials ^^^^^^^^^ A tutorial is a long-form guide to some essential functions in the ``abess`` package. We recommend to use a tutorial to: - describes the problem that one function can solve; - show readers how to solve with the function; - give more details about the potential advanced usage. A typical online vignette example is present `[here] `__. The development of the tutorial relies on `sphinix-gallery `__. .. _python document development: Document development ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before developing document, we presume that you have already complete the steps 1-3 described in `general development procedure`_, and you have installed necessary packages, including: ``sphinix-gallery``, ``Sphinx``, ``nbsphinx``, ``myst-parser``, ``sphinx-rtd-theme``. There are five basic steps to write documentation for the Python document: 1. If you contributing a new document, please create a new ``.rst`` file in the ``docs/Python-package`` directory for describing APIs or ``docs/Tutorial`` for new Tutorials, and write the documentation in the file. If you would like to modify documents, please modify the corresponding ``.rst`` files in the ``docs`` directory. 2. Go to the ``docs`` directory (e.g., via ``cd docs``), and convert ``.rst`` files to ``.html`` files by running the following command in the terminal: .. code:: bash $ make html and preview new documentation by opening/refreshing the ``index.html`` files in ``docs/_build/html`` directory. 3. Repeat step 1 and step 2 until you are satisfied with the documentation. 4. If you use some packages in Pypi, please add these package into ``docs/requirements.txt`` (for example, the ``geomstats`` package) so that the servers provided by `Readthedocs `__ pre-install these packages. 5. Submit a pull request from the ``docsdev`` branch in your repository ``YourAccount/abess`` to the ``master`` branch in the repository ``abess-team/abess``. More advanced topics for writing documentation are available at: `Sphinx `__. R document ~~~~~~~~~~ The R document includes two parts. The first part depicts the APIs in the `abess` R package, and the second part aims to show simple use-cases and on-board new users. R function ^^^^^^^^^^ For the development of R documentation, the most important thing to know is that the abess R package relies on `roxygen2 `__ package. This means that documentation is found in the R code close to the source of each function. Before writing the documentation, it would be better to ensure the usage of the `Rd tags `__. There are four basic steps to write documentation for the R function in abess: 1. Add comments to ``R`` files in ``R-package/R`` directory. 2. Run ``devtools::document()`` in R to convert roxygen comments to ``.Rd`` files. 3. Preview documentation with ``?``. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you are satisfied with the documentation. More advanced topics for writing object documentation are available at: Online vignette ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The aim of a online R vignette is the same as a tutorial for Python package. A typical online vignette example is presented in this `[link] `__. We strongly recommend to use R markdown (``.Rmd`` files) to organize a online vignette. There are also four steps to write online vignettes: 1. Add/modify to ``.Rmd`` files in ``R-package/vignettes`` directory. 2. Run ``pkgdown::build_articles()`` in R to convert ``.Rmd`` files to webpages. (Make sure the ``pkgdown`` R package has been installed.) 3. Preview the webpages. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you are satisfied with the vignettes. You can learn many detail about ``pkgdown`` package and R markdown in `pkgdown's website `__ and `Hadley's website `__, respectively.