Source code for abess.decomposition

import numbers
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, issparse
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array
from .pybind_cabess import pywrap_PCA, pywrap_RPCA
from .bess_base import bess_base
from .utilities import new_data_check

[docs]class SparsePCA(bess_base): r""" Adaptive Best-Subset Selection(ABESS) algorithm for principal component analysis. Parameters ---------- support_size : array-like, optional default=range(min(n, int(n/(log(log(n))log(p))))). An integer vector representing the alternative support sizes. group : int, optional, default=np.ones(p) The group index for each variable. ic_type : {'aic', 'bic', 'gic', 'ebic', 'loss'}, optional, default='loss' The type of criterion for choosing the support size if `cv=1`. ic_coef : float, optional, default=1.0 Constant that controls the regularization strength on chosen information criterion. cv : int, optional, default=1 The folds number when use the cross-validation method. - If cv=1, cross-validation would not be used. - If cv>1, support size will be chosen by CV's test loss, instead of IC. cv_score : {'test_loss'}, optional, default='test_loss' The score used on test data for CV. Only 'test_loss' is supported for PCA now. thread : int, optional, default=1 Max number of multithreads. - If thread = 0, the maximum number of threads supported by the device will be used. A_init : array-like, optional, default=None Initial active set before the first splicing. always_select : array-like, optional, default=None An array contains the indexes of variables we want to consider in the model. max_iter : int, optional, default=20 Maximum number of iterations taken for the splicing algorithm to converge. Due to the limitation of loss reduction, the splicing algorithm must be able to converge. The number of iterations is only to simplify the implementation. is_warm_start : bool, optional, default=True When tuning the optimal parameter combination, whether to use the last solution as a warm start to accelerate the iterative convergence of the splicing algorithm. screening_size : int, optional, default=-1 The number of variables remaining after screening. It should be a non-negative number smaller than p, but larger than any value in support_size. - If screening_size=-1, screening will not be used. - If screening_size=0, screening_size will be set as :math:`\\min(p, int(n / (\\log(\\log(n))\\log(p))))`. splicing_type: {0, 1}, optional, default=1 The type of splicing. "0" for decreasing by half, "1" for decresing by one. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array-like, shape(p_features, ) or (p_features, k) The first :math:`k` principal axes in feature space, which are sorted by decreasing explained variance. References ---------- - Junxian Zhu, Canhong Wen, Jin Zhu, Heping Zhang, and Xueqin Wang. A polynomial algorithm for best-subset selection problem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(52):33117-33123, 2020. Examples -------- Results may differ with different version of numpy. >>> ### Sparsity known >>> >>> from abess.decomposition import SparsePCA >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(12345) >>> model = SparsePCA(support_size = 10) >>> >>> ### X known >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 50) >>> SparsePCA(support_size=10) >>> print(np.nonzero(model.coef_)[0]) [10 26 31 33 35 36 38 42 43 49] >>> >>> ### X unknown, but Sigma known >>> = np.cov(X.T)) SparsePCA(support_size=10) >>> print(np.nonzero(model.coef_)[0]) [10 26 31 33 35 36 38 42 43 49] """
[docs] def __init__(self, support_size=None, group=None, ic_type="loss", ic_coef=1.0, cv=1, cv_score="test_loss", thread=1, A_init=None, always_select=None, max_iter=20, exchange_num=5, is_warm_start=True, splicing_type=1, screening_size=-1, ): super().__init__( algorithm_type="abess", model_type="PCA", normalize_type=1, path_type="seq", max_iter=max_iter, exchange_num=exchange_num, is_warm_start=is_warm_start, support_size=support_size, # s_min=s_min, s_max=s_max, ic_type=ic_type, ic_coef=ic_coef, cv=cv, cv_score=cv_score, screening_size=screening_size, always_select=always_select, thread=thread, A_init=A_init, group=group, splicing_type=splicing_type )
def _more_tags(self): return {'requires_y': False}
[docs] def transform(self, X): r""" For PCA model, apply dimensionality reduction to given data. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, p_features) Sample matrix to be transformed. """ X = new_data_check(self, X) return
[docs] def ratio(self, X): r""" Give new data, and it returns the explained ratio. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Sample matrix. """ X = new_data_check(self, X) s = np.cov(X.T) # if len(self.coef_.shape) == 1: # explain = # else: explain = np.sum(np.diag( # if isinstance(s, (int, float)): # full = s # else: full = np.sum(np.diag(s)) return explain / full
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None, is_normal=False, Sigma=None, number=1, n=None, sparse_matrix=False): r""" The fit function is used to transfer the information of data and return the fit result. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape(n_samples, p_features) Training data. y : ignore Ignore. is_normal : bool, optional, default=False whether normalize the variables array before fitting the algorithm. weight : array-like, shape(n_samples,), optional, default=np.ones(n) Individual weights for each sample. Only used for is_weight=True. Sigma : array-like, shape(p_features, p_features), optional default=np.cov(X.T). Sample covariance matrix. For PCA, it can be given as input, instead of X. But if X is given, Sigma will be set to np.cov(X.T). number : int, optional, default=1 Indicates the number of PCs returned. n : int, optional, default=X.shape[0] or 1 Sample size. - if X is given, it would be X.shape[0] by default; - if X is not given (Sigma is given), it would be 1 by default. sparse_matrix : bool, optional, default=False Set as True to treat X as sparse matrix during fitting. It would be automatically set as True when X has the sparse matrix type defined in scipy.sparse. """ # Input check if X is not None: if issparse(X): sparse_matrix = True X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=True) n = X.shape[0] p = X.shape[1] X = X - X.mean(axis=0) Sigma = np.cov(X.T) self.n_features_in_ = p X_input = True elif isinstance(Sigma, (list, np.ndarray, np.matrix)): if > 1: raise ValueError("X should be given to use CV.") Sigma = check_array(Sigma) if (Sigma.shape[0] != Sigma.shape[1] or np.any(Sigma.T != Sigma)): raise ValueError("Sigma should be symmetrical matrix.") if np.any(np.linalg.eigvals(Sigma) < 0): raise ValueError("Sigma should be semi-positive definite.") if n is None: n = 1 p = Sigma.shape[0] X = np.zeros((1, p)) self.n_features_in_ = p is_normal = False X_input = False else: raise ValueError("X or Sigma should be given in PCA.") # # Algorithm_type # if self.algorithm_type == "abess": # algorithm_type_int = 6 # else: # raise ValueError("algorithm_type should not be " + # str(self.algorithm_type)) # for PCA, # model_type_int = 7 path_type_int = 1 # Ic_type: aic, bic, gic, ebic # cv_score: test_loss, roc_auc if == 1: if self.ic_type == "loss": eval_type_int = 0 elif self.ic_type == "aic": eval_type_int = 1 elif self.ic_type == "bic": eval_type_int = 2 elif self.ic_type == "gic": eval_type_int = 3 elif self.ic_type == "ebic": eval_type_int = 4 elif self.ic_type == "hic": eval_type_int = 5 else: raise ValueError( "ic_type should be \"aic\", \"bic\", \"ebic\"," " \"gic\" or \"hic\".") else: if self.cv_score == "test_loss": eval_type_int = 0 else: raise ValueError( "cv_score should be \"test_loss\".") # cv if (not isinstance(, int) or <= 0): raise ValueError("cv should be an positive integer.") if > n: raise ValueError("cv should be smaller than n.") # Group if is None: g_index = list(range(p)) else: g = np.array( if g.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("group should be an 1D array of integers.") if g.size != p: raise ValueError( "The length of group should be equal to X.shape[1].") group_set = list(set(g)) g.sort() g_index = [] j = 0 for i in group_set: while g[j] != i: j += 1 g_index.append(j) # path parameter (note that: path_type_int = 1) if self.support_size is None: support_sizes = np.ones(((int(p / 3) + 1), number)) else: if isinstance(self.support_size, (numbers.Real, numbers.Integral)): support_sizes = np.zeros((self.support_size, 1)) support_sizes[self.support_size - 1, 0] = 1 elif (len(self.support_size.shape) != 2 or self.support_size.shape[1] != number): raise ValueError( "`support_size` should be 2-dimension and its number of" " columns should be equal to `number`") elif self.support_size.shape[0] > p: raise ValueError( "`support_size` should not larger than p") else: support_sizes = self.support_size support_sizes = np.array(support_sizes).astype('int32') # screening if self.screening_size != -1: if self.screening_size == 0: self.screening_size = min( p, int(n / (np.log(np.log(n)) * np.log(p)))) elif self.screening_size > p: raise ValueError( "screening size should be smaller than X.shape[1].") elif self.screening_size < np.nonzero(support_sizes)[0].max() + 1: raise ValueError( "screening size should be more than max(support_size).") # unused early_stop = False self.n_iter_ = 1 new_s_min = 0 new_s_max = 0 cv_fold_id = np.array([], dtype="int32") # Exchange_num if (not isinstance(self.exchange_num, int) or self.exchange_num <= 0): raise ValueError("exchange_num should be an positive integer.") # Thread if (not isinstance(self.thread, int) or self.thread < 0): raise ValueError( "thread should be positive number or 0" " (maximum supported by your device).") # Splicing type if self.splicing_type not in (0, 1): raise ValueError("splicing type should be 0 or 1.") # number if (not isinstance(number, int) or number <= 0 or number > p): raise ValueError( "number should be an positive integer and" " not bigger than X.shape[1].") # # Important_search # if (not isinstance(self.important_search, int) # or self.important_search < 0): # raise ValueError( # "important_search should be a non-negative number.") # A_init if self.A_init is None: A_init_list = np.array([], dtype="int32") else: A_init_list = np.array(self.A_init, dtype="int32") if A_init_list.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("The initial active set should be " "an 1D array of integers.") if (A_init_list.min() < 0 or A_init_list.max() >= p): raise ValueError("A_init contains out-of-range index.") # Sparse X if sparse_matrix: if not isinstance(X, (coo_matrix)): # print("sparse matrix 1") nonzero = 0 tmp = np.zeros([X.shape[0] * X.shape[1], 3]) for j in range(X.shape[1]): for i in range(X.shape[0]): if X[i, j] != 0.: tmp[nonzero, :] = np.array([X[i, j], i, j]) nonzero += 1 X = tmp[:nonzero, :] else: # print("sparse matrix 2") tmp = np.zeros([len(, 3]) tmp[:, 1] = X.row tmp[:, 2] = X.col tmp[:, 0] = ind = np.lexsort((tmp[:, 2], tmp[:, 1])) X = tmp[ind, :] # normalize normalize = 0 if is_normal: normalize = self.normalize_type # always_select if self.always_select is None: always_select_list = np.zeros(0, dtype="int32") else: always_select_list = np.array(self.always_select, dtype="int32") # wrap with cpp if (X_input and n < p) or (p <= number): result = [np.ones((p, number))] else: weight = np.ones(n) result = pywrap_PCA( X, weight, n, p, normalize, Sigma, self.max_iter, self.exchange_num, path_type_int, self.is_warm_start, eval_type_int, self.ic_coef,, g_index, support_sizes, cv_fold_id, new_s_min, new_s_max, self.screening_size, always_select_list, early_stop, self.thread, sparse_matrix, self.splicing_type, self.important_search, number, A_init_list ) self.coef_ = result[0] return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X=None, y=None, is_normal=False, Sigma=None, number=1, n=None, sparse_matrix=False): r""" Fit and transform the sample matrix. Returns transformed data in expected dimension. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape(n_samples, p_features) Training data. y : ignore Ignore. is_normal : bool, optional, default=False whether normalize the variables array before fitting the algorithm. weight : array-like, shape(n_samples,), optional, default=np.ones(n) Individual weights for each sample. Only used for is_weight=True. Sigma : array-like, shape(p_features, p_features), optional default=np.cov(X.T). Sample covariance matrix. For PCA, it can be given as input, instead of X. But if X is given, Sigma will be set to np.cov(X.T). number : int, optional, default=1 Indicates the number of PCs returned. n : int, optional, default=X.shape[0] or 1 Sample size. - if X is given, it would be X.shape[0] by default; - if X is not given (Sigma is given), it would be 1 by default. """, y, is_normal, Sigma, number, n, sparse_matrix) return X @ self.coef_
[docs]class RobustPCA(bess_base): r""" Adaptive Best-Subset Selection(ABESS) algorithm for robust principal component analysis. Parameters ---------- support_size : array-like, optional default=range(min(n, int(n/(log(log(n))log(p))))). An integer vector representing the alternative support sizes. ic_type : {'aic', 'bic', 'gic', 'ebic', 'loss'}, optional, default='gic' The type of criterion for choosing the support size. ic_coef : float, optional, default=1.0 Constant that controls the regularization strength on chosen information criterion. thread : int, optional, default=1 Max number of multithreads. - If thread = 0, the maximum number of threads supported by the device will be used. A_init : array-like, optional, default=None Initial active set before the first splicing. always_select : array-like, optional, default=None An array contains the indexes of variables we want to consider in the model. max_iter : int, optional, default=20 Maximum number of iterations taken for the splicing algorithm to converge. Due to the limitation of loss reduction, the splicing algorithm must be able to converge. The number of iterations is only to simplify the implementation. is_warm_start : bool, optional, default=True When tuning the optimal parameter combination, whether to use the last solution as a warm start to accelerate the iterative convergence of the splicing algorithm. splicing_type: {0, 1}, optional, default=1 The type of splicing. "0" for decreasing by half, "1" for decresing by one. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array-like, shape(n_samples, p_features) The transformed sample matrix after robust PCA. References ---------- - Junxian Zhu, Canhong Wen, Jin Zhu, Heping Zhang, and Xueqin Wang. A polynomial algorithm for best-subset selection problem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(52):33117-33123, 2020. Examples -------- Results may differ with different version of numpy. >>> ### Sparsity known >>> >>> from abess.decomposition import RobustPCA >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(12345) >>> model = RobustPCA(support_size = 10) >>> >>> ### X known >>> X = np.random.randn(100, 50) >>>, r = 10) RobustPCA(support_size=10) >>> print(np.vstack(np.nonzero(model.coef_))) [[ 6 10 24 30 33 35 40 61 73 85] [43 21 23 30 44 32 49 8 48 19]] """
[docs] def __init__(self, support_size=None, ic_type="gic", ic_coef=1.0, thread=1, A_init=None, always_select=None, max_iter=20, exchange_num=5, is_warm_start=True, splicing_type=1 ): super().__init__( algorithm_type="abess", model_type="RPCA", normalize_type=1, path_type="seq", max_iter=max_iter, exchange_num=exchange_num, is_warm_start=is_warm_start, support_size=support_size, s_min=None, s_max=None, cv=1, ic_type=ic_type, ic_coef=ic_coef, always_select=always_select, thread=thread, A_init=A_init, # group=group, splicing_type=splicing_type )
def _more_tags(self): # Note: We ignore estimator's check here because `RobustPCA()` # is not an standard "estimator". # There is no "coefficient", not even "model" to test. # (It just returns the transformation of `X`.) return {'_skip_test': True}
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, r=None, sparse_matrix=False): r""" The fit function is used to transfer the information of data and return the fit result. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape(n_samples, p_features) Training data. y : ignore Ignore. r : int Rank of the (recovered) information matrix L. It should be smaller than rank of X (at least smaller than X.shape[1]). sparse_matrix : bool, optional, default=False Set as True to treat X as sparse matrix during fitting. It would be automatically set as True when X has the sparse matrix type defined in scipy.sparse. """ # Input check if X is not None: if issparse(X): sparse_matrix = True X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=True) n = X.shape[0] p = X.shape[1] self.n_features_in_ = p if r is None: r = min(n, p) - 1 else: raise ValueError("X should be an array.") # # Algorithm_type # if self.algorithm_type == "abess": # algorithm_type_int = 6 # else: # raise ValueError("algorithm_type should not be " + # str(self.algorithm_type)) # for RPCA, # model_type_int = 10 path_type_int = 1 # Ic_type if self.ic_type == "aic": eval_type_int = 1 elif self.ic_type == "bic": eval_type_int = 2 elif self.ic_type == "gic": eval_type_int = 3 elif self.ic_type == "ebic": eval_type_int = 4 elif self.ic_type == "hic": eval_type_int = 5 else: raise ValueError( "ic_type should be \"aic\", \"bic\", \"ebic\", \"gic\", " "or \"hic\".") # # Group # if group is None: # g_index = list(range(n * p)) # else: # group = np.array(group) # if group.ndim > 1: # raise ValueError("group should be an 1D array of integers.") # if group.size != n * p: # raise ValueError( # "The length of group should be equal to" # " (X.shape[0] * X.shape[1]).") # g_index = [] # group.sort() # group_set = list(set(group)) # j = 0 # for i in group_set: # while group[j] != i: # j += 1 # g_index.append(j) # path parameter (note that: path_type_int = 1) if self.support_size is None: support_sizes = list(range(0, n * p)) else: if isinstance(self.support_size, (numbers.Real, numbers.Integral)): support_sizes = np.empty(1, dtype=int) support_sizes[0] = self.support_size elif (np.any(np.array(self.support_size) > n * p) or np.any(np.array(self.support_size) < 0)): raise ValueError( "All support_size should be between 0 and X.shape[1]") else: support_sizes = self.support_size support_sizes = np.array(support_sizes).astype('int32') # alphas if r == int(r): alphas = np.array([r], dtype=float) else: raise ValueError("r should be integer") # unused g_index = list(range(n * p)) new_s_min = 0 new_s_max = 0 new_lambda_min = 0 new_lambda_max = 0 # Exchange_num if (not isinstance(self.exchange_num, int) or self.exchange_num <= 0): raise ValueError("exchange_num should be an positive integer.") # Thread if (not isinstance(self.thread, int) or self.thread < 0): raise ValueError( "thread should be positive number or 0" " (maximum supported by your device).") # Splicing type if self.splicing_type not in (0, 1): raise ValueError("splicing type should be 0 or 1.") # # Important_search # if (not isinstance(self.important_search, int) # or self.important_search < 0): # raise ValueError( # "important_search should be a non-negative number.") # A_init if self.A_init is None: A_init_list = np.array([], dtype="int32") else: A_init_list = np.array(self.A_init, dtype="int32") if A_init_list.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("The initial active set should be " "an 1D array of integers.") if (A_init_list.min() < 0 or A_init_list.max() >= n * p): raise ValueError("A_init contains out-of-range index.") # Sparse X if sparse_matrix: if not isinstance(X, (coo_matrix)): # print("sparse matrix 1") nonzero = 0 tmp = np.zeros([X.shape[0] * X.shape[1], 3]) for j in range(X.shape[1]): for i in range(X.shape[0]): if X[i, j] != 0.: tmp[nonzero, :] = np.array([X[i, j], i, j]) nonzero += 1 X = tmp[:nonzero, :] else: # print("sparse matrix 2") tmp = np.zeros([len(, 3]) tmp[:, 1] = X.row tmp[:, 2] = X.col tmp[:, 0] = ind = np.lexsort((tmp[:, 2], tmp[:, 1])) X = tmp[ind, :] # normalize normalize = 0 # always_select if self.always_select is None: always_select_list = np.zeros(0, dtype="int32") else: always_select_list = np.array(self.always_select, dtype="int32") # unused n_lambda = 100 early_stop = False # wrap with cpp if r < 1: result = [X] else: result = pywrap_RPCA( X, n, p, normalize, self.max_iter, self.exchange_num, path_type_int, self.is_warm_start, eval_type_int, self.ic_coef, g_index, support_sizes, alphas, new_s_min, new_s_max, new_lambda_min, new_lambda_max, n_lambda, self.screening_size, always_select_list, self.primary_model_fit_max_iter, self.primary_model_fit_epsilon, early_stop, self.thread, sparse_matrix, self.splicing_type, self.important_search, A_init_list ) self.coef_ = result[0].reshape(p, n).T return self